Does your puppy need some assistance to learn about life? Some calm, kind, dog training tips to help him become a cool family member and not a family pain?

When you make the huge decision to add a dog to your life, it’s made with the intention of creating a fabulous life for your dog. At the same time, you hope and dream your dog will bring a whole new dimension of fun and excitement to your life.

A walk at the park is so much more rewarding when you see your dog having a blast.

Dog And Man

Whether he’s a re-homed dog or a new puppy, your expectation is that he will be fun and easy and in a very short time, you would walk over hot coals rather than part with your new buddy.

For some dog owners, these dreamy moments are super hard to realise, and the frustration of living with a creature that is out of control can be just too much. If your dog displays any of these behaviours, you not only wonder where it all went wrong, but you have no idea how to get things back on track.

  • biting/chewing
  • jumping on people
  • toileting inside
  • not listening
  • destroying the house
  • the park walk ruined because you’ve lost trust in his behaviour off-leash
  • you’re not sure if he will even come back!
  • your shoulder is constantly wrenched by an ever-pulling battle of the leash

Fortunately, there is a way back

There is a way to make very simple changes that are not time-consuming and the results speak for themselves.

By putting in place the 5 Rules of the Dog Calming Code, you will create the right environment for you to ‘win your dog’s mind’ so your dog will want to listen to you and happily accept your directions.

The Dog Calming Code – 5 Rules

Dogs carry 98% of their DNA of the wolf!

The survival instincts for life in a wolf pack continue to be the base structure for all of our dogs’ behaviour today.

So when those instincts are taken into account and we can use that dog ‘language’ to create the structure that they are already aligned with, it will ensure your dog is calmer, happier, more relaxed and more responsive.

There are no ‘bad dogs’ – each dog is only doing what he feels he needs to in order to survive

wolves in the wild

The five rules for calming your dog are set in order of importance with the first being of the highest importance.

In fact, the importance of the Food Rule is so high that if it is not put in place just right the other 4 rules may not have any effect.

There are times when I’m doing a consultation and I leave the dog owners with homework:  the number one job of collecting up all the bones lying in the yard, including that treasure trove of buried bones, if they can find it.

Leaving your dog with no food except what you offer is incredibly important

At another consult, this super cute little fox terrier (Lucy) was more terror than a terrier and during our discussion about food, the owners didn’t see any problem with her eating. The conversation went something like this:

Me:  “Does she eat everything?”

Owner 1:  “Oh yes all the time, she’s a great eater”

Owner 2:  “Well actually that’s not quite correct, she does leave usually 2 or 3 tiny dry biscuits in her bowl”

Me:  “Why do you think that might be?”

Owner 2:  “I’m not sure really, I just think maybe she doesn’t see them, or she’s had enough”

Me:  “Do you take the bowl away?”

Owner 2:  “No it just stays there until dinner time”

This act of leaving food very likely has nothing to do with her lack of hunger and everything to do with her decision to have access to food.

Having access to food is the number one survival skill that dogs use to prove they are the king, and as such she could have the keys to the kingdom and can make whatever decisions she chooses. Simply consistently removing the bowl (and leftover biscuits) after the meal changed the dynamic of the owner/dog relationship. Lucy’s stress level dropped and she became a whole lot calmer and more responsive to her owners.

It may seem crazily simple and the cool thing is – it actually is this simple

That is why this method is so effective and easy to put in place. Just making minor changes in the way you go about your day with your dog can make the biggest difference of all.

dog eating bone

Rule 1: Food

  • For a dog, life is about survival, it just is. So food is the kingpin in this situation. In order to gain your dog’s attention and respect you need to control the food!
  • Eat first – let your dog see you eating and do not feed him until after you are finished.
  • Do not leave any food down. As soon as he walks away from the bowl, take the bowl away – do not leave any (not even 2 little dry biscuits) food in the bowl for him to come back to.
  • So no grazing – no food down for him to just eat when he feels like it.
  • Do not leave any food for your dog when you are not home (bones/rawhide/pigs ears). Toys yes – Food – No
  • Your dog can have a bone – but only if you are home. Take it off him after 30 minutes or so.
  • Remove all buried ’treasure’ food – bones etc.

It’s time to sort out those dog problems – give me a call for personalised coaching on the dog calming code.

We can create a win-win situation for you and your dog that will last a lifetime.


Sam Andrews-Paul
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